
RabittMQ RPC Request/Response example

RabittMQ RPC Request/Response example using library Following example creates RPC client and then setups Async response handler, which follows by the request to get processed. Hoplin client supports both Direct-Reply and Queue per Request/Response patterns. This is the binding that is used to create our client. A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client)

A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client) Documentation and project available at GitHub repo To make working with RabbitMQ as simple as possible with minimum dependencies. Minimal dependencies, simple configuration and API. Subscriber client Publisher client Async RPC Client Creating simple RabbitMQ client can be done in couple different … A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client) Read More »

Kryo (missing no-arg constructor): java.nio.HeapByteBuffer

While serializing ByteBuffer using Kryo we will run into the following issue. Class cannot be created (missing no-arg constructor): java.nio.HeapByteBuffer To fix this we can create a custom serializer that will take a ByteBuffer and serialize it to and from Kryo. Serializer is rather simple all we need is two pieces of data, length of …

Kryo (missing no-arg constructor): java.nio.HeapByteBuffer Read More »