Expanding Rich tree nodes programmatically

I have found two different methods for expanding nodes in Rich tree  from code, they both take  advantage of component binding and component state. Tree Setup <rich:tree value="#{ourbean.sampleTree}" binding="#{ourbean.sampleTreeBinding}"   var="node" nodeFace="simple" id="someid" > <rich:treeNode type="simple" > <h:outputText value="#{node}"/> </rich:treeNode> </rich:tree><rich:tree value="#{ourbean.sampleTree}" binding="#{ourbean.sampleTreeBinding}" var="node" nodeFace="simple" id="someid" > <rich:treeNode type="simple" > <h:outputText value="#{node}"/> </rich:treeNode> </rich:tree> Only thing to …

Expanding Rich tree nodes programmatically Read More »