
Delven is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) designed for mining content

Delven is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) designed for mining content from static and dynamic sources, It closely resembles SQL with features borrowed from other popular languages. This documentation is your guide to an advanced new world of real-time data connectivity. To get an idea of what Delven is and how it can benefit your …

Delven is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) designed for mining content Read More » A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client)

A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client) Documentation and project available at GitHub repo To make working with RabbitMQ as simple as possible with minimum dependencies. Minimal dependencies, simple configuration and API. Subscriber client Publisher client Async RPC Client Creating simple RabbitMQ client can be done in couple different … A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client) Read More »

Fingerprint cannot be generated while adding new ssh key in GitLab

This applies to Windows only machines. I have GitLab running and was adding a new ‘ssh key’ from windows that was generated using a standard ssk-keygen command but was reciving following error: “Fingerprint cannot be generated” Command used to generate key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “gbugaj@localhost” -b 4096 This produces a key in ‘’ file, …

Fingerprint cannot be generated while adding new ssh key in GitLab Read More »


Our EventEmitter in PhantomSQL is based on NodeJS version so they should be compatible. Here are couple examples on how to use the emitter. Basic usage of registering and listening to an event. "use strict";   const {EventEmitter} = require(’events’);   // Dump all the args em.on(’hello-event’, (…arg)=> {"Hello event handler : " + arg)}); …

EventEmitter Read More »

Run MD5 check sum against all files in a directory

Couple snippets that allow us to run checksum and get unique md5 checksums. This is two step process. First, we obtain our md5 checksum for all files find -type f -exec md5sum "{}" + > /opt/checklist.chkfind -type f -exec md5sum "{}" + > /opt/checklist.chk This produces file with following contents 71cc452a8ac5a27c32a83e6a0909e7ae ./PID_190_7344_0_47710322.tif6712032974632727465.tiff 71cc452a8ac5a27c32a83e6a0909e7ae ./PID_190_7344_0_47710322.tif174464329785828524.tiff 71cc452a8ac5a27c32a83e6a0909e7ae …

Run MD5 check sum against all files in a directory Read More »

Compiling Webkit on Windows using Visual Studio 2012

Just some notes on compiling WebKit on windows with visual studio. Issues : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\xrefwrap(431): error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments (..\..\win\WebCoreSupport\WebFrameLoaderClient.cpp) 25> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\functional(239) : see reference to function template instantiation ‘_Ret std::_Callable_obj::_ApplyX(_V0_t &&)’ being compiled 25> with 25> [ …

Compiling Webkit on Windows using Visual Studio 2012 Read More »