Population Count using popcnt instruction (counting number of on bits)

Using popcnt instruction found on newer processors to get population count which is number of set bits.

Reference : SSE4

Here are couple example inputs with expected output.

 0xA =  1010 -- > 2
 0x3F2 =  1111110010 -- > 7	
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
	// 0xA =  1010 -- > 2
	// 0x3F2 =  1111110010 -- > 7
	unsigned long code = 0x3F2UL;
	int bitcount = 0;
	__asm__( "movl %1, %%eax; "  //code into eax
			"popcnt  %%eax,  %%eax;"//  call popcnt instruction
			"movl %%eax, %0;"// ebx into bitcount
			:"=r"(bitcount)// output
			:"r"(code)// input
			:"%eax","%ebx","%ecx","%edx"// clobbered register
	printf("%d", bitcount);
	return 0;

To answer Phils question why we have "%eax","%ebx","%ecx","%edx" as our clobbered register list, this is my understanding and it could be completely wrong.

Our instruction movl %%eax, %0; used GCC syntax for accessing c++ variable bitcount. So ‘%0’ refers to bitcount which will be copied into ebx register, that is why I have ebx in the list, as for the ecxand edx they have been added purely because they are general purpose registers and I did not want to override some previously stored value and my limited understanding on how inline assembly works.

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