Setting Firing Order Of SQL Triggers

At times there is a need to control order of execution of triggers. This could be due to business requirement but also as a way to control history of a record I usually don’ t see people put any way to prevent trigger nesting, example update trigger updating same records would fire the trigger again.

RabittMQ RPC Request/Response example

RabittMQ RPC Request/Response example using library Following example creates RPC client and then setups Async response handler, which follows by the request to get processed. Hoplin client supports both Direct-Reply and Queue per Request/Response patterns. This is the binding that is used to create our client. A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client)

A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client) Documentation and project available at GitHub repo To make working with RabbitMQ as simple as possible with minimum dependencies. Minimal dependencies, simple configuration and API. Subscriber client Publisher client Async RPC Client Creating simple RabbitMQ client can be done in couple different … A lightweight RabbitMQ client for Java (built on top of rabittmq java client) Read More »

Histogram Comparison for Image Analysis

DRAFT This is the first article in the series on Image Comparison using Local Binary Patterns.Complete code is on github lbp-matcher We will start off by looking at different methods of comparing histograms. Histogram Intersection Log Likehood Chi Squared Kullback Leibler Divergence All our operations will be performed on 8bpp(bits per pixel) images anything that …

Histogram Comparison for Image Analysis Read More »

Fingerprint cannot be generated while adding new ssh key in GitLab

This applies to Windows only machines. I have GitLab running and was adding a new ‘ssh key’ from windows that was generated using a standard ssk-keygen command but was reciving following error: “Fingerprint cannot be generated” Command used to generate key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “gbugaj@localhost” -b 4096 This produces a key in ‘’ file, …

Fingerprint cannot be generated while adding new ssh key in GitLab Read More »