Extended GIT Information in bash PS1
Extended GIT Information in bash PS1 This will generate shell similar to this : Multiline version: ┌──┤ greg: ~/dev/discovery/discovery-agent │ master ≡ !1 +2 -2 ≡ 2 weeks ago └── λ Format `branch ≡ changes additions deletions ≡ last commit`Example `master ≡ !1 +2 -2 ≡ 2 weeks ago` Since we are interested in interactive …
Fingerprint cannot be generated while adding new ssh key in GitLab
This applies to Windows only machines. I have GitLab running and was adding a new ‘ssh key’ from windows that was generated using a standard ssk-keygen command but was reciving following error: “Fingerprint cannot be generated” Command used to generate key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “gbugaj@localhost” -b 4096 This produces a key in ‘’ file, …
Fingerprint cannot be generated while adding new ssh key in GitLab Read More »